
The Gandhāran Buddhist Texts site is under the governance of, and managed by, a consortium of organisations engaged in the reading, editing and digital publishing of Gandhāran texts and inscriptions. The consortium was established in 2021 by the Australian National University, the University of Sydney and Prakaś Foundation. The consortium is expanding to include Pakistani, Canadian, US and other institutional partners engaged in the research of Gandhāran texts and the curation of collections of Gandhāran artefacts.

Research and Publishing Platform

Our platform supports three levels of collaboration to leverage the specialist expertise of Gāndhārī and Sanskrit scholars and the diverse expertise of a broad community of scholars of Gandhāran studies, Buddhism and Asian languages.

  • Edition Collaboration: Language specialists can collaborate at a granular level on the actual reading and editing of a Gāndhārī or Sanskrit text and the production of digital editions represented on this site.
  • Analysis Collaboration: Scholars in Gandhāran studies and related fields can layer their own analysis strata on existing published editions. This may include linguistic, textual, art historical, or other levels of analysis.
  • Scholarly Forum: The wider scholarly community can engage in conversation about an existing digital edition through an online forum.